August 27, 2011

Pandas in the Capital

Cute picture of young pandas, not in DC. Had to have at least one photo of the real McCoy.

The National Zoo is one of four zoos (Atlanta, Memphis, San Diego being the other 3) that displays pandas on exhibit. Washington D.C. seems to take this as a point of pride, and capitalizes on the creature's appeal. PandaMania (2004) allowed artists to paint or decorate 150 pandas and display them citywide before auctioning them off. WWF had one in their building:

but the library near my house had one too:

This panda was painted on the wall behind the same library.

And of course, all the staff at WWF refer to themselves as pandas (mascot-like). Here we are, the 2011 summer intern pandas:

These pandas were statues at the zoo (I never saw more than a foot or an ear of the live versions when I went to visit them).

And I saw this bit of urban art on the bridge on my way to work.

After 50 years, the WWF panda symbol is one of the most widely recognized logos anywhere. If people don't know what "WWF" is, they are sure to recognize the environmental work that has been done by "that panda group". I was proud to call myself a panda this summer.

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