September 2, 2008

Labor Day

Well, it's after labor day and I'm wearing white. ha ha.

Last night Ben was really wanting to have a cook out or do something "American" because it was labor day. "I hate how we and all our friends turn a cook out into a hippy dippy shitty thing. 'Instead of a grill, we have a dehydrator. Instead of hamburgers, we have veggie burgers. Instead of Miller Lite, we have kombucha.' What's wrong with grabbing a bag of potato chips and chowing down with the rest of the country for once?".
So, we went to Phillip and Tara's--Ben and I brought the Miller Lite and Fuzzy Navel wine coolers. Phillip and Tara provided the canned baked beans, the hotdogs, and the Southern Style potato salad (tho I did eat a veggie burger...). We grilled them on a charcoal grill, and topped it all off with ice-cream sandwiches, as we watched a movie: The Patriot. It was all very satisfying.

Incidentally, I thought it was funny that when P & T went to get the potato salad, they were faced with 4 options: American, Southern, Egg & Mustard, and Creamy. We think the Southern style had sugar in it. You know, just to add to the artery clogging/caloric properties of the dense mayo already there.

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