April 15, 2012

The Hunger Games Review

I just watched The Hunger Games. I would sum it up as this:

Romeo and Juliet, Lord of the Flies, The Lottery, The Most Dangerous Game, Battle Royale, stories of Roman gladiators, Greek stories of Theseus and the Minotaur (all of which The Hunger Games seem to take story lines from) are a bit more like this:

That is to say: The Hunger Games is full and symmetrical, the creative bits are enjoyable, but you know exactly what to expect from watching the preview, and it is therefore not very interesting, even if attractive. The other stories on the other hand, are dynamic, organic, rich without being forced, poignant, there are unexpected twists, and the contents are impressively though sparely engaging.

I believe the hype surrounding The Hunger Games reflects how uninterested most people are in critical thought. That is sad to me.

What do you think?

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